When I read did not want to believe, but, man, really happened. And it is so striking fact that appears in mail (I will not be malicious, but it's so tacky ...). I mean the newspaper this morning, directed by Maurizio Belpietro newspaper, published a front page, take it up in the seventh, a story titled as follows: "The Turkish wants euthanasia law" .
Apart from the assessment of merit on the proposal, which obviously involves a very delicate issue, here is revealed one of those blunders that will fill even the thick, but to tell the truth a bit 'dated, journalistic series of injuries.
The question is of course in Turkish Turkish Livia, the current Minister of Health, belonging to the DS. Apart the fact that the paper for months had turned to the Minister (in this case just to be honest), because of some unattractive decisions on the allocation of important tasks, here we are dealing with those cases where you think immediately, we or us? Why Belpietro and his newspaper are certainly not the vanguard of good journalism, but the topic is taken colossal.
Here's why: Mauritius is Turkish, a lawmaker of the Rose in the Fist to have submitted this bill. E 'was wrongly attributed to the Minister a bill that it has never advanced. And this error is there, obvious, evident, shot on the front page.
The apology Belpietro not served, Livia Turkish did not like and did not fail to understand it clearly: "I am outraged and shocked by what happened, but obviously the desire to smear the man who is considered a political opponent of the moment is that even obscure the view and the ability to read the names and surnames of persons and their institutional status. We thus discover that the editor of Il Giornale Maurizio Belpietro and its editors are not aware that Senator and as a member of the government not sign the proposed parliamentarians. "
hit and sunk.