Decisions of the First Congress of the CII (24-25 April 2010)
The following are basic guidelines for the drafting of the Statute of our organization and decisions are held at the first Congress .
1. The official name of the organization is COMMITTEE IMMIGRANTS IN ITALY. The organization is the yellow color of the logo with a pentagon of five arms (other than color) and world-centered (blue).
2. It adopted the Declaration of Principles, with the inclusion of the principle of "fighting" as an instrument to acquire the rights. We endorse these basic guidelines discussed in committee "status-general program - statement of principles."
3. The joint organization will be on three levels: national, regional, national
4. The principles below apply to the three levels
5. We convene the second national congress within one year, in the city of Brescia, which concludes the transition to the smooth functioning of the committee in accordance with the statute. That conference will be the result of routes and conferences organized at appoint regional delegates who will compose the national level.
6. This FIRST CONGRESS appoint a national council responsible for monitoring the preparation of the next congress, follow up and encourage the organization of the national conference and regional routes. 36 people were named.
7. The national council will meet a base of members equal to the number of regions where there is our committee members elected from the same conference, plus three members from each region, elected members from each regional conference. So three quarters of the national council is elected directly from the bottom.
8. The regions are autonomous in the composition of three delegates and can change them without waiting for the national congress.
9. The member appointed by the National Congress has a valid mandate until the next national congress. There is just one re-election for a second term.
10. The regional conference will be convened within six months from today (April 25, 2010).
11. In addition to congressional documents, the statute will be integrated with a document called a "code of the delegate, the code delimit the responsibilities that each delegate the tasks of the acceptance of technical and policy of this organization. Among these responsibilities should be clear that a director or board member with political office shall not during his term of office to use his vision for personal or electoral. Any application to any political role or recruitment role of political representation outside the organization or union entails the loss of domestic jobs. The delegate, but retains the right to remain an ordinary member. Coordination is not directly supporting candidates or political parties but it takes a well-defined position on political parties and movements who are openly opposed to the fundamental principles of the organization (equality, non discrimination, racism and anti-sexism)
12. The National Council appoints the executive board made up of a National Coordinator and one for each area of \u200b\u200bwork: finance, communications and media, organization and regional committees (following the regions and monitor the implementation of measures national), training, relationship with unions, relationship with politics, political asylum, Education, Citizenship and Youth, Health, Home and International Relations. The national spokesman of the committee shall be appointed periodically rotated between the members of the board.
13. Each coordinator will organize a working group to achieve the objectives dictated by the organization,
14. The organization is self-funded. The resources are collected at the regional level through card (annual minimum 5 and maximum € 100). Every city and region is free to arrange other forms of self-financing: subscriptions, festivals, dinners, selling items and information materials, donations ... 70% of the proceeds of self is the regional structure and 30% goes to the National Council.
15. The organization must set up at first of the following means of communication and propaganda: A national website with regional connections. A periodic newsletter on paper, and leaves open any possibility of future development and to other forms of information and communication technologies.
16. Were adopted in the conclusions of the ten thematic groups. From rich in regional conferences or citizens.
17. The conclusions of this congress will be brought to the knowledge of regional, national and international.
18. The National Council will adopt the necessary measures to start operations, including the legalization.
... ................................................ ..........
ratifies the National Council meetings for 12 Junius 2010 in Rome, 14.00.
Edgar Galiano.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Jessica Simpson Clothing Line Canada
Assembly Report of the Committee of Immigrants in Italy September 11, 2010 in Rome
In the assembly of the Committee of Immigrants in Italy September 11, 2010 in Rome have touched six major points that will serve as a platform to the political events such as the strike of October 29 and October 14 in front of the garrison of the Ministry of ' Interior. While later we talked about relations with the institutions of the Committee immigrants, legalization of immigrants in Italy Committee, representation Committee of the World immigrants in the Immigration Forum to be held the first week of October in Quito - Ecuador, World Assembly and the participation of women in Caracas - Venezuela
the 2011 national strike of workers on the Rights of Immigrants 29/Ottobre / 2010
During the Assembly have ratified the six-point platform of the strike on October 29, 2010, he reminded the participants of the 'National Assembly that these points have already been discussed at the previous meeting held in Rome in May 2010 he saw for the first time since the first Congress to meet on 24 and 25 April 2010. The meeting was attended six regions where there is the Committee, including: the Veneto, Tuscany, Campania, Umbria, Lombardy, Lazio.
points are: 1 .-
residence permit (standby employment) for those who made the request in the "amnesty scam" as domestic helpers and caregivers.
2 .- Extension of residence permit, for those who have lost their jobs or no longer qualifies due to the economic crisis.
3 .- Implementation of Directive 2009/52/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 18 June 2009, P / Living for those who report the employer in black or a condition of over-exploitation.
4 .- Creation of a law guaranteeing the right of asylum, based on Art. 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and art. 1 of the Geneva Convention on Refugees, wiping out the rejections at sea and bilateral agreements with expulsion.
5 .- Right to vote immigrant living legally in Italy for over 5 years.
6 .- Right to citizenship for those born or raised in Italy.
In the House there was talk of 'accession to the strike by the union of the Cub and based Slai Cobas, which will support the initiative through posters, flyers, posters, travel to every city where it is needed. But the legal cover el'occorrente to make a strike. Were invited by the committee several immigrants base unions, federations, political parties, associations, which are recognized in the platform of the six points listed above, which will serve as a strong point for the first two political events of 14 and 29 October.
Presidio Square in front of the Esquiline in Rome October 14
During the National Assembly discussed the goals that must reach the garrison to be held in front of the Ministry. The points are the first two platform: 1 .-
residence permit (standby employment) for those who made the request in the "amnesty scam" as domestic helpers and caregivers.
2 .- Extension of residence permit, for people who lost their jobs or no longer qualifies as a consequence the economic crisis.
We calculated the presence of about 500 immigrants of different regions will be present at the meeting, it was not yet taking into account the participation of immigrants in the Lazio region, let alone the realities of immigrants scattered throughout Italy is followed by participation people grow up they will hand to publicize the garrison of 14 October.
a Bus Verona
a Massa Carrara Caserta
4 Bus 1 Bus Umbria
There was a second proposal is to those who can not come to Rome on October 14 will be able to demonstrate in front of the prefecture of each city. It was recalled that the garrison will not be recognized that at least the bitter end the first two points of the platform. However from Monday, September 13 will start from the national campaign committee immigrants in all Italian cities to publicize the initiative of 14 and 29 October. This is also the occasion of our new website
Relations Committee immigrants with institutions
Reports of the Committee immigrants with Italian institutions will be to the extent that representative bodies are recognized in our platform October 17 2009 and the October 14, 2010. But at the same time we must say that the group of immigrants Committee is a diverse group but they also recognize that the principles of the platform committee. For this, the Committee will have to deal with all the realities in Italy avoiding ghettoization in all ways.
Legalization of immigrants in Italy
Committee has been mentioned two means of legalization of the committee, one is to do a recording without fiscal constraints, but which operate in all respects and the second is to make a non-profit organization. Has voted unanimously for the first proposal. This is not to say that later we can not create next to our committee a charity that serves to indirectly finance any political affiliations. During the month of September 2010 will legalize the Committee before a notary public, reminding those present that the signatories of birth the Legal Committee have been chosen voluntarily:
Edgar Galiano, Biran, Carlos Brito, Bacchu, Miriam Jaramillo and Sibi Mani.
also ratified the national committee was elected in the previous meeting of 12 May 2010 Junius in Rome.
Edgar ---- General Coordinator
Rahman Bacchu Finance Organizer
Sibi MNI Abou
Institutional Relations ---- --- Relations with the unions
Bridget ---- Training ----
Aldo House
Mass - - School
Rolando Faria
Young --- ---- --- Women
Propaganda Secretary: Edgar Galiano, Rahmam and Tahar
Immigration Forum World of Quito - Ecuador 2010
The Committee immigrants in Italy attending the World Forum on immigration to be held in Quito, Ecuador 7/8/9/10.
Roberto Montoya.
Check and add.
In the assembly of the Committee of Immigrants in Italy September 11, 2010 in Rome have touched six major points that will serve as a platform to the political events such as the strike of October 29 and October 14 in front of the garrison of the Ministry of ' Interior. While later we talked about relations with the institutions of the Committee immigrants, legalization of immigrants in Italy Committee, representation Committee of the World immigrants in the Immigration Forum to be held the first week of October in Quito - Ecuador, World Assembly and the participation of women in Caracas - Venezuela
the 2011 national strike of workers on the Rights of Immigrants 29/Ottobre / 2010
During the Assembly have ratified the six-point platform of the strike on October 29, 2010, he reminded the participants of the 'National Assembly that these points have already been discussed at the previous meeting held in Rome in May 2010 he saw for the first time since the first Congress to meet on 24 and 25 April 2010. The meeting was attended six regions where there is the Committee, including: the Veneto, Tuscany, Campania, Umbria, Lombardy, Lazio.
points are: 1 .-
residence permit (standby employment) for those who made the request in the "amnesty scam" as domestic helpers and caregivers.
2 .- Extension of residence permit, for those who have lost their jobs or no longer qualifies due to the economic crisis.
3 .- Implementation of Directive 2009/52/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 18 June 2009, P / Living for those who report the employer in black or a condition of over-exploitation.
4 .- Creation of a law guaranteeing the right of asylum, based on Art. 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and art. 1 of the Geneva Convention on Refugees, wiping out the rejections at sea and bilateral agreements with expulsion.
5 .- Right to vote immigrant living legally in Italy for over 5 years.
6 .- Right to citizenship for those born or raised in Italy.
In the House there was talk of 'accession to the strike by the union of the Cub and based Slai Cobas, which will support the initiative through posters, flyers, posters, travel to every city where it is needed. But the legal cover el'occorrente to make a strike. Were invited by the committee several immigrants base unions, federations, political parties, associations, which are recognized in the platform of the six points listed above, which will serve as a strong point for the first two political events of 14 and 29 October.
Presidio Square in front of the Esquiline in Rome October 14
During the National Assembly discussed the goals that must reach the garrison to be held in front of the Ministry. The points are the first two platform: 1 .-
residence permit (standby employment) for those who made the request in the "amnesty scam" as domestic helpers and caregivers.
2 .- Extension of residence permit, for people who lost their jobs or no longer qualifies as a consequence the economic crisis.
We calculated the presence of about 500 immigrants of different regions will be present at the meeting, it was not yet taking into account the participation of immigrants in the Lazio region, let alone the realities of immigrants scattered throughout Italy is followed by participation people grow up they will hand to publicize the garrison of 14 October.
a Bus Verona
a Massa Carrara Caserta
4 Bus 1 Bus Umbria
There was a second proposal is to those who can not come to Rome on October 14 will be able to demonstrate in front of the prefecture of each city. It was recalled that the garrison will not be recognized that at least the bitter end the first two points of the platform. However from Monday, September 13 will start from the national campaign committee immigrants in all Italian cities to publicize the initiative of 14 and 29 October. This is also the occasion of our new website
Relations Committee immigrants with institutions
Reports of the Committee immigrants with Italian institutions will be to the extent that representative bodies are recognized in our platform October 17 2009 and the October 14, 2010. But at the same time we must say that the group of immigrants Committee is a diverse group but they also recognize that the principles of the platform committee. For this, the Committee will have to deal with all the realities in Italy avoiding ghettoization in all ways.
Legalization of immigrants in Italy
Committee has been mentioned two means of legalization of the committee, one is to do a recording without fiscal constraints, but which operate in all respects and the second is to make a non-profit organization. Has voted unanimously for the first proposal. This is not to say that later we can not create next to our committee a charity that serves to indirectly finance any political affiliations. During the month of September 2010 will legalize the Committee before a notary public, reminding those present that the signatories of birth the Legal Committee have been chosen voluntarily:
Edgar Galiano, Biran, Carlos Brito, Bacchu, Miriam Jaramillo and Sibi Mani.
also ratified the national committee was elected in the previous meeting of 12 May 2010 Junius in Rome.
Edgar ---- General Coordinator
Rahman Bacchu Finance Organizer
Sibi MNI Abou
Institutional Relations ---- --- Relations with the unions
Bridget ---- Training ----
Aldo House
Mass - - School
Rolando Faria
Young --- ---- --- Women
Propaganda Secretary: Edgar Galiano, Rahmam and Tahar
Immigration Forum World of Quito - Ecuador 2010
The Committee immigrants in Italy attending the World Forum on immigration to be held in Quito, Ecuador 7/8/9/10.
Roberto Montoya.
Check and add.
Best Gradual Light Alarm Clocks
Phantom of the CII meeting in Florence Frances
Speaking of a "National Assembly of September 26 CII", convened in Florence.
suddenly appears from the email convening a "meeting", signed by Abou and 4 other members of the CII. With two points for discussion.
Ø Committee immigrants in Italy: Review and Perspectives Constituent Assembly after the congress in Rome on 24-25 April 2010. Ø
next campaign: the national day of mobilization for the October 14 issue of legalization and against amnesty scam of 2009, protests against evictions ... ... ... ... .... "If
soon becomes clear that" ideology "of this Abou challenge is that getting up one day believed to be the sun, who will lead and will "go back" the "mistakes" that Congress had set out, therefore, He is against what was discussed in committee April 24 to 25 " Statute "and later adopted in the Plenary of the Congress. For those who want to understand better find attached the document, and I apologize to the members of that committee as to call into question the witnesses. This is the basis of the contradiction. He (Abu) wants the CII continues to be a "key" that he uses when he is not a trade unionist.
For the information of other members of the CII that do not follow first-hand the activities of the CII, the note after the conference, we made two National Assemblies, which have brought forward the elections to the National Executive (which Abou was named "report commissioned by the union"). The other resolutions of these meetings relate to the course of the struggle to defend migrant workers cheated in the amnesty. The country has seen our committee to Milan, Verona, Massa, Carrara, Viareggio, Caserta, Rome do parades, estimated in sub-prefectures, being able to open these struggles with a meeting with the Ministry of Interior (developed Junius 10) After that, comes the idea of \u200b\u200bremaking this meeting Oct. 14, the idea was brought to the "anti-racist assemblies"-one with the presence of the Sun (Abou) in the name of the USB. With great difficulty, due to lack of money we managed to make the second national meeting of the CII in Rome September 11 (report attached), this Abou was summoned by phone from me. Most
participants at the meeting of CII has been for the National Assembly Antirazzista (12 September with the absence of grassroots unions), it has seen a CII that is no joke, which has led six points in our platform ( ) with courage, being able to engage in the day of the October 14 other forces. Unfortunately I have to make public our tactics to stay in permanent sit-in after 15, saying the immigrants that are scam-October 14 in Rome, that there will be a very favorable response from the Ministry of Interior. We agreed to take part in the procession of FIOM of 16, we will bring our watchwords of the proposed strike for workers' rights immigrants October 29, 2010 (also ratified last meeting on September 11). Will participate in the General Assembly on 15 September in the Piazza. Even to discuss school, job insecurity, etc..
In recent months we were without sun, the activity of CII has been made in the dark, in the struggle of migrant workers and trying to bring results. With the group of organizing work (Rahman, Taher and I) had informed the establishment of the CII in the Marches, with real people, who are not "ghosts" in the next two months we hope to bring to end it in Liguria and Sicily.
Abou, you get to the bottom and are forced to make public that you made a crap to "steal" the email of the committee immigrants, changing the password. The email during the last three years without a decent data base, you've taken advantage of the work of others-were working to improve the email-to make this provocation. It forces you to say so publicly as a body of the Committee of Immigrants in Italy, I left this task to call. It forces you to say publicly what you did to our Committee after the Congress. It forces you to say publicly that returns the password of the mail. It forces you to say publicly that participate in the third National Assembly, to determine the place and date for the Executive Director, as do women and men for good.
Since there is not time to convene an executive ol'assemblea to discuss this provocation, which was made just a day after National delll'Assemblea. I appeal to members of the CII, he does not waste the little resources they have in travel, phone calls and more. Continue with the preparation of the struggle that was decided together and democratically.
In qualifying for overall coordination, elected and ratified in the two Houses: denounce this attempt to "coup", made to strike from inside the self-organization of immigrants. Empower to Abou political consequences that will arise of this provocation. I condemn any attempt opportunist than a "third place" claims de-legitimize what has been done until today.
It seems very strange that just-right when we need more UNITY 'to improve the fight, leaving these challenges not seen in our Committee, although they always have resolved the major differences in our meetings.
Until there take place the next National Assembly, no assembly, meeting, resolutions will be recognized me.
About the mail, if the Abou not want to return the password, you will create a new mail as decided by the Assembly.
Rome, September 23, 2010.
Edgar Galiano. General Coordinator of the Committee of Immigrants in Italy.
Unity is Strength, Our Rights Fight !!!!!!!!
------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------
24 September: Clandestine Day (all Italy)
From October 8: "strike round" Caserta and Naples. where migrant laborers refuse to work for less than 50 €.
Thursday, October 14: Parade at 17:00 Piazza Vittorio (SHERKHAN angle) coming to the Sit-in at 18:00.
Friday, October 15: General Meeting at Esquilino Piazza dello 17.00. Sabato 16 Ottobre
: Corteo nazionale della Volantinaggio IMF. Ore 10.00
----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
Speaking of a "National Assembly of September 26 CII", convened in Florence.
suddenly appears from the email convening a "meeting", signed by Abou and 4 other members of the CII. With two points for discussion.
Ø Committee immigrants in Italy: Review and Perspectives Constituent Assembly after the congress in Rome on 24-25 April 2010. Ø
next campaign: the national day of mobilization for the October 14 issue of legalization and against amnesty scam of 2009, protests against evictions ... ... ... ... .... "If
soon becomes clear that" ideology "of this Abou challenge is that getting up one day believed to be the sun, who will lead and will "go back" the "mistakes" that Congress had set out, therefore, He is against what was discussed in committee April 24 to 25 " Statute "and later adopted in the Plenary of the Congress. For those who want to understand better find attached the document, and I apologize to the members of that committee as to call into question the witnesses. This is the basis of the contradiction. He (Abu) wants the CII continues to be a "key" that he uses when he is not a trade unionist.
For the information of other members of the CII that do not follow first-hand the activities of the CII, the note after the conference, we made two National Assemblies, which have brought forward the elections to the National Executive (which Abou was named "report commissioned by the union"). The other resolutions of these meetings relate to the course of the struggle to defend migrant workers cheated in the amnesty. The country has seen our committee to Milan, Verona, Massa, Carrara, Viareggio, Caserta, Rome do parades, estimated in sub-prefectures, being able to open these struggles with a meeting with the Ministry of Interior (developed Junius 10) After that, comes the idea of \u200b\u200bremaking this meeting Oct. 14, the idea was brought to the "anti-racist assemblies"-one with the presence of the Sun (Abou) in the name of the USB. With great difficulty, due to lack of money we managed to make the second national meeting of the CII in Rome September 11 (report attached), this Abou was summoned by phone from me. Most
participants at the meeting of CII has been for the National Assembly Antirazzista (12 September with the absence of grassroots unions), it has seen a CII that is no joke, which has led six points in our platform ( ) with courage, being able to engage in the day of the October 14 other forces. Unfortunately I have to make public our tactics to stay in permanent sit-in after 15, saying the immigrants that are scam-October 14 in Rome, that there will be a very favorable response from the Ministry of Interior. We agreed to take part in the procession of FIOM of 16, we will bring our watchwords of the proposed strike for workers' rights immigrants October 29, 2010 (also ratified last meeting on September 11). Will participate in the General Assembly on 15 September in the Piazza. Even to discuss school, job insecurity, etc..
In recent months we were without sun, the activity of CII has been made in the dark, in the struggle of migrant workers and trying to bring results. With the group of organizing work (Rahman, Taher and I) had informed the establishment of the CII in the Marches, with real people, who are not "ghosts" in the next two months we hope to bring to end it in Liguria and Sicily.
Abou, you get to the bottom and are forced to make public that you made a crap to "steal" the email of the committee immigrants, changing the password. The email during the last three years without a decent data base, you've taken advantage of the work of others-were working to improve the email-to make this provocation. It forces you to say so publicly as a body of the Committee of Immigrants in Italy, I left this task to call. It forces you to say publicly what you did to our Committee after the Congress. It forces you to say publicly that returns the password of the mail. It forces you to say publicly that participate in the third National Assembly, to determine the place and date for the Executive Director, as do women and men for good.
Since there is not time to convene an executive ol'assemblea to discuss this provocation, which was made just a day after National delll'Assemblea. I appeal to members of the CII, he does not waste the little resources they have in travel, phone calls and more. Continue with the preparation of the struggle that was decided together and democratically.
In qualifying for overall coordination, elected and ratified in the two Houses: denounce this attempt to "coup", made to strike from inside the self-organization of immigrants. Empower to Abou political consequences that will arise of this provocation. I condemn any attempt opportunist than a "third place" claims de-legitimize what has been done until today.
It seems very strange that just-right when we need more UNITY 'to improve the fight, leaving these challenges not seen in our Committee, although they always have resolved the major differences in our meetings.
Until there take place the next National Assembly, no assembly, meeting, resolutions will be recognized me.
About the mail, if the Abou not want to return the password, you will create a new mail as decided by the Assembly.
Rome, September 23, 2010.
Edgar Galiano. General Coordinator of the Committee of Immigrants in Italy.
Unity is Strength, Our Rights Fight !!!!!!!!
------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------
24 September: Clandestine Day (all Italy)
From October 8: "strike round" Caserta and Naples. where migrant laborers refuse to work for less than 50 €.
Thursday, October 14: Parade at 17:00 Piazza Vittorio (SHERKHAN angle) coming to the Sit-in at 18:00.
Friday, October 15: General Meeting at Esquilino Piazza dello 17.00. Sabato 16 Ottobre
: Corteo nazionale della Volantinaggio IMF. Ore 10.00
----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
Monday, September 20, 2010
Can I Use My Lonestar Card To Buy A Cake
Proposal for a general strike of workers
for immigrant rights. October 29, 2010.
For workers in Italy. For delegates
Rsu, Rsa.
At the direction of the CGIL
For comrades and leaders of trade unions.
For men and women immigrants in Italy.
Today we all agree to agree that fighting for the rights of workers immigrants returned to fight for the rights of Italian workers.
bosses have used the work force of permanent immigrants as blackmail to get back on your rights, acquired over years of organizing and struggle.
The immigration laws enacted so far are ad hoc standards created by the employers to regulate in their favor, the market for labor. The "residence contract" is nothing but the basis of legalized blackmail.
The Turco-Napolitano law, the starting point of the Bossi-Fini, inaugurated this series of laws-blackmail ", that is to say laws that have done everything possible to complicate our stay in this country, with a wage freeze and a hardening of our working conditions, to the detriment of security and social rights.
the "security package" - which has closed-loop, criminalize undocumented workers. The bosses want
insecurity for all, they laminated with the rights of workers and relocate production abroad. Governments are the managers of the general interests of big powers.
laws of the last twenty years have destroyed the retirement plans: contracts are one of those inventions that have undermined the stability of work and offered rebates to the detriment of the INPS.
Today, Taking Stock.
These accounts of the global crisis of capitalime, they want us to pay us. Italian and immigrant workers. -.-
Recently, fighting does not pay, they do not change a comma of the laws they disagree, they do not change the decisions of governments, the Italian government even less than others.
But this is explained because these struggles, at least until now, were not unitary.
divisions are only promote the Power, which is also all to divide workers. -.-
We have acted against this tendency to division.
For example, claims that the associations of migrant workers argued with the anti-racist organizations were unitary, even if limited to a few themes: October 17, 2009, based on a shared platform, the CGIL parade with trade unions and immigrant associations.
From 8 to 10 January 2010, seasonal migrants Rosarno responded with dignity to operations (including the Camorra), showing us to in fact all the unity and struggle are instruments that are within reach of the workers against capital.
On March 1, 2010, the "day without immigrants", an initiative created on Facebook that might be a folckloriste umpteenth manifestation, through the participation of immigrants and Italians together to assert the rights of all, has actually transformed into a major day of struggle: to stop factories in Brescia, social strike in dozens of cities, strike shopping, curtains drawn and children at home.
But it is possible to do more.
We believe that the conditions to struggle together, Italians and immigrants, are met, and we do not think there can be anyone to still believe in the fable of the hunt abroad told by Berlusconi and Bossi. We do not believe it. We are ready to fight for the right to housing, work, health, schools for all. We are willing to seek a law of amnesty ASSEMBLY for unpaid bills for gas, electricity and water, as well as fines in the bus, tram or subway. -.-
We propose to make a strike of all WORKERS FOR THE RIGHTS OF IMMIGRANTS 29 October, 2010.
course, we know we can not call their own. This open letter
intends to understand the urgency given the very serious conditions in Italy, the suffering of our brothers and sisters who have not obtained their residence permit and the need to bring home the results.
Here are the points to defend, as a platform to fight: 1 .-
Residence permit (for a work contract) for any person who made the request for rectification as an employee home help or home, as part of the operation of massive regularization of government that has proven to be a scam.
2 .- Extension of residence permits for those persons who lost work or no longer meet the condtions necessary, following the economic crisis.
3 .- Implementation of Directive 2009/52/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 18 June 2009, P / Stay for anyone exposing the employer to black or any condition of overexploitation.
4 .- Creation of a law guaranteeing the right of asylum on the basis of art. 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and art. 1 of the Geneva Convention on refugees, reversing the expulsions of illegal migrants at sea and bilateral deportation.
5 .- Voting rights for immigrants living in Italy regularly for over 5 years.
6 .- Right to citizenship for anyone born or who grew up in Italy.
Unity is strength, our rights are fighting
Edgar Galiano. General Coordinator
Sidiqque Nure Alam (Bachcu) President
Rome, July 29, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
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