The awakening of the people and of anti-immigrant Italian who claims the rights of these workers in recent years it has become evident .
The procession of 17 October 2009. The events of 8-January 9, 2010 in Rosario. The day of 1 March 2010. The First National Congress of cars out on 24 and 25 April. The warm autumn against the "amnesty scam" developed in Caserta, Massa Carrara, Verona, Lucca, Bologna. The employment of two cranes at Brescia and Milan. The strike promoted by us October 29, 2010.
All these initiatives are tangible demonstrations of the iron will to oppose the intention of the Northern League and Berlusconi's government to transform Italy into most discriminatory and xenophobic country in Europe.
All these initiatives have been designed with an optical contrast to the Bossi-Fini Law and Security Pack and led to the end of the 'racism lite ", a no-clear to return to Turkish Napolitano el' opposition to an "integrationist experiment" proposed by the center-left.
slogans against racism does not mean anything unless they are accompanied by the issuance of permits for all cheated in the 2009 amnesty - as yet still unfinished - and without the extension of that permit for those who lost work, the central point forgotten in the struggle of the CGIL platforms.
slogans against xenophobia or for the integration of immigrants, many "as we are all workers of Rosarno / foreign / Roma / Sinti, are boxes full of chatter.
The welfare policies of the projects done in the name of foreigners to enrich the "anti-racist" can be changed only claiming the right to vote for immigrants.
Only when the children of immigrants born or raised here will have Italian citizenship politicians can really talk about "equality".
Only when a law on asylum is enshrined in Italy go beyond the current humanitarian hypocrisy, and we may speak of true hospitality.
The sad balance of the eleven illegal expulsions of migrant workers in Brescia and Milan - including here also want to remind our friends and Mimmo Abderazak - do not frighten us.
the contrary confirms our commitment to continue the fight.
We call on all organizations, all committees, to any association of immigrants and all genuine anti-racists to take over the streets and ensure a good "hot spring".
We appeal to workers enrolled in unions CGIL and the base (especially the Cub, the only Italian unions that have supported our strike on October 29 last year), to prepare for a general strike to resume six points we consider essential:
1. against "amnesty scam", residence permits for those who made the request.
2. Extension of residence permit for people who lost their jobs or no longer eligible for renewal.
3. Regularization for those who report illegal workers.
4. Against rejections at sea and against the bilateral removal of the final closing of CIE and a law on asylum.
5. right to vote to immigrants living legally in Italy for over 5 years.
6. Right to citizenship for those born or raised in Italy.
We appeal to the First Committee in March to be in place other days of other months, to ensure that this first of March is only a "starter".
What we want is that on 1 March 2011 became a day of fighting not only for immigrants but for all those who see the presence of immigrants as an economic resource, political, social and cultural change Italy.
A day to be beside the courageous students who continue to protest against Berlusconi, proposing an alternative to Gelmini. A day to be close to workers, not just those of Fiat, but to all Italian workers. A day to struggle together, because only together we can stop the overfishing. A day to claim the right to housing, employment, health care, free education for all. And this year - in the context of what is happening on the other side of the Mediterranean - even a day of solidarity with the rebellion libertarian democratic and popular in Egypt, Morocco, Libya, Tunisia, Albania, Yemen, etc..