Thursday, September 23, 2010

Stray X Labrador Again

Decisions of the First Congress of the CII (24-25 April 2010)

The following are basic guidelines for the drafting of the Statute of our organization and decisions are held at the first Congress .

1. The official name of the organization is COMMITTEE IMMIGRANTS IN ITALY. The organization is the yellow color of the logo with a pentagon of five arms (other than color) and world-centered (blue).
2. It adopted the Declaration of Principles, with the inclusion of the principle of "fighting" as an instrument to acquire the rights. We endorse these basic guidelines discussed in committee "status-general program - statement of principles."
3. The joint organization will be on three levels: national, regional, national
4. The principles below apply to the three levels
5. We convene the second national congress within one year, in the city of Brescia, which concludes the transition to the smooth functioning of the committee in accordance with the statute. That conference will be the result of routes and conferences organized at appoint regional delegates who will compose the national level.
6. This FIRST CONGRESS appoint a national council responsible for monitoring the preparation of the next congress, follow up and encourage the organization of the national conference and regional routes. 36 people were named.
7. The national council will meet a base of members equal to the number of regions where there is our committee members elected from the same conference, plus three members from each region, elected members from each regional conference. So three quarters of the national council is elected directly from the bottom.
8. The regions are autonomous in the composition of three delegates and can change them without waiting for the national congress.
9. The member appointed by the National Congress has a valid mandate until the next national congress. There is just one re-election for a second term.
10. The regional conference will be convened within six months from today (April 25, 2010).
11. In addition to congressional documents, the statute will be integrated with a document called a "code of the delegate, the code delimit the responsibilities that each delegate the tasks of the acceptance of technical and policy of this organization. Among these responsibilities should be clear that a director or board member with political office shall not during his term of office to use his vision for personal or electoral. Any application to any political role or recruitment role of political representation outside the organization or union entails the loss of domestic jobs. The delegate, but retains the right to remain an ordinary member. Coordination is not directly supporting candidates or political parties but it takes a well-defined position on political parties and movements who are openly opposed to the fundamental principles of the organization (equality, non discrimination, racism and anti-sexism)
12. The National Council appoints the executive board made up of a National Coordinator and one for each area of \u200b\u200bwork: finance, communications and media, organization and regional committees (following the regions and monitor the implementation of measures national), training, relationship with unions, relationship with politics, political asylum, Education, Citizenship and Youth, Health, Home and International Relations. The national spokesman of the committee shall be appointed periodically rotated between the members of the board.
13. Each coordinator will organize a working group to achieve the objectives dictated by the organization,
14. The organization is self-funded. The resources are collected at the regional level through card (annual minimum 5 and maximum € 100). Every city and region is free to arrange other forms of self-financing: subscriptions, festivals, dinners, selling items and information materials, donations ... 70% of the proceeds of self is the regional structure and 30% goes to the National Council.
15. The organization must set up at first of the following means of communication and propaganda: A national website with regional connections. A periodic newsletter on paper, and leaves open any possibility of future development and to other forms of information and communication technologies.
16. Were adopted in the conclusions of the ten thematic groups. From rich in regional conferences or citizens.
17. The conclusions of this congress will be brought to the knowledge of regional, national and international.
18. The National Council will adopt the necessary measures to start operations, including the legalization.
... ................................................ ..........

ratifies the National Council meetings for 12 Junius 2010 in Rome, 14.00.
Edgar Galiano.


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