Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Chudidar Dress Cutting

call to action and convened a national assembly.

Milan, 7 November 2010. From 5 November, a group of immigrants has risen to the top of the tower in Via Imbonati former Carlo Erba in Milan. Not fall until it will be answered to the request to see a right to a dignified life, that comes first to obtain a residence permit.

In continuation of protests in recent months and as immigrants in Brescia, at the end of October s ono climbed a crane on the subway, even immigrants Milan denounce a situation that involves at least 50 thousand people, all cheated by an amnesty for the farce which have shelled out thousands of euro and the majority has been excluded for specious reasons.

The amnesty of 2009 - the only ovverossia possible means to emerge from Italy in illegal work and illegal immigration - it was addressed, in fact, only two categories of workers (domestic helpers and caretakers), thus excluding the vast part.

The payment of a fee of € 500 , the dubious exception of people with prior deportations and the activation of criminal networks to exploit widespread extortion of foreign citizens (willing to pay large sums of money to be regularized), have created a monster, social, cultural and legal.

"From Imbonati Street tower is launched, therefore, call upon all citizens, immigrants and Italians, to come and support and participate in the protest, which belongs to all "state, foreign nationals and organizations that support the mobilization. "It appeals to the citizens and workers, foreigners and Italians, associations, communities, organizations, unions and all stakeholders support it because the mobilization and support the permanent garrison of Imbonati Street. If, in fact, immigrant workers, gaining acceptance as a fundamental right, emerging from the black economy and illegal immigration, they become less blackmailed and this translates into a benefit for everyone, workers and citizens, foreigners and Italians. "Conclude the participants and supporters of the permanent garrison.

addition, the Tower will reiterate the points of mobilization:
1) issuance of residence permits for those who participated in the "amnesty scam"
2) extension of residence permits to those who have lost work
3) issuance of residence permits for those who report the employer in black or exploitation in the workplace;
4) enactment of a law that guarantees the right of asylum;
5) recognition of voting rights for those living in Italy for at least 5 years;
6) recognition of citizenship for those born or raised in Italy.

To report
criminalizing the mechanism of the amnesty of 2009 to convene a national assembly on Sunday, November 14 at 11 am in the Tower Street Imbonati 49:
· define the instance of generalized regularization to be submitted to the Ministry of the Interior to demand the regularization of all cheated;
· agree future action raising the 6 points of mobilization.

Committee Immigrants in Italy - Milan
for membership: comitatoimmigratiitalia.mi lano@gmail.com
for info 3200118441-3771851896

Join: We are here (Pavia), Dialogue (Milan), Convergence of Cultures (Milan), March First Movement immigrants, Arci Milano, Naga, Cub, Molise Calvairate Tenants Committee (Milan); Association plot of land (Imola - Bologna), Associazione Onlus Sant'Angelo Solidarity; ASGI - Association for Legal Studies on Immigration; drafting MilanoX; EveryOne, Watching The Sky, The Red Wheel, Anne's Door; Generation Italy Milan, Human Rights Section, Citizens Forum of the World (Grosseto); SICET / Bovisa (Milan), North-South Coordination of the World (Milan); Ass Baobab Opera (MI); Open Space Multiethnic of Milan Community of Silo's Message, "the hidden city" Luciano Muhlbauer (Prc Milan); Multiethnic Cultural Center La Tenda (Milano), José Luis Tagliaferro - NuestrAmerica; Massimo De Giuli - Milano, Rose Cammarata, Palermo; Milanese network for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against the state of Israel, the Humanist Association The Tree of Life non-profit organization, non-profit organization Asnada, Maria Luisa Tornesello; Humanist Party of Milan anti-racist network Catanese; CNCA Lombardy, the Communist Party of the PRC (Federation Milan); immigration desk USB Pisa, Massimo De Giuli - (I), Raffaele Manzo, Giulio Ledge (MI), Emergency, Group bovisateatro (I) The roots and wings ONLUS; Network Education Without Permission


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