Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Whole Sale Chiken Wingsetobicoke

Starting from € -27,611

For the first time in the glorious history of the Republic of Italy breaks through the wall of € 1.6 trillion of debt. With the level reached is as if each of Italian citizens had a share of the accumulated debt of € 27,611, a few right?

For public debt includes the debt of the state against other persons, individuals, enterprises, banks, or foreign persons, who have signed bonds (such as BOT and CCT) to cover the financial gap state. E 'is essentially what the State owes to various business entities with which it holds.

in our country has finally lost control of public debt in the eighties, during the years of penta (PL, DC, PSI, PRI, and PSD), when Craxi, Forlani, Andreotti and many, many others preferred to promise to the people Italian standard of living that the state was not really able to support. Practically lived above their means, in the same way that a family will be ruined when you spend more than it earns.

In this regard it is useful to know that in 1997 was signed by EU member states the so-called stability pact. Under that pact, member states that have adopted the euro must meet the Maastricht criteria, in particular: an annual deficit of no more than 3% of GDP, public debt below 60% of GDP (or at least give a public debt that signals the return) .

Well, Italy is fully part of the EU member states that have adopted the euro, you want to know where we are compared to the above parameters? In 2005, the annual debt to GDP was 3.8%, while the public deficit to GDP reached 106.4% ... do not you think we're slightly off course?

And again, read this table and see which year the situation deteriorated again after a long period of relative improvement. Tremonti's the fault of the creative financing?


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