Dear Muslims
Italy is a great country (apart from a few people), with the sea, cities of art, paintings, museums, churches ...
Already, the churches, the symbol of the Christian religion, the religion of the state.
Yes, you read right, the state religion, despite what the Constitution says (Italy is a secular state) ...
Lay ... if secular, there would be no churches. would not the masses, baptisms, confirmations etc etc.
What is the point?
The question is: what is the symbol of Christianity, the religion of the state? The Crucifix ...
Yeah! The crucifix, wooden cross those two fingers, with a man by the name of Jesus Christ . In Italy there should be only the Christian Churches and STOP. No mosques, synagogues etc etc ... But what
if desired, may still andarmi well.
That people turn with their customs and the traditional burka, can still andarmi well.
But they come and they want us ITALIAN and CHRISTIAN remove the crucifix in public places because " offend their sensibilities ... Dear Muslims
to me of your feeling I do not give a damn shit. The cross is our symbol and stays there.
And Italian people and prominent like Alba Parietti to say "we need to remove the crucifixes because we have to integrate " ... well ... this makes me ashamed of being Italian.
IN ADDITION TO THAT?? are the ones who come to us, it is they who must integrate!
And what does the court in Strasbourg? He says we need to remove the crucifixes? I'm couple of dicks! (Maicol docet of GF).
This is Italy
There is good? You go home or go somewhere else, there are so many other states!
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