October 29, 2010.
Workers and Italian workers / os
Delegates and union representatives Rsu, Rsa.
National Steering Committee of the CGIL
to peers and leaders of grassroots trade unionism.
Immigrants in Italy.
We have reached the conclusòn to fight for the rights of migrant workers is to fight for the rights of Italian workers themselves.
Employers have used the immigrant workforce as permanent blackmail to hit your rights, acquired in years of organizing and struggle.
immigration laws enacted to date, there has been nothing but blackmail rules ad hoc created by employers to regulate the market for them in the workforce, where the "contratto di soggiorno" has become on the basis of this legalized blackmail.
Turco-Napolitano law, the basis for subsequent laws such as the Bossi-Fini law, which inaugurated a series of "laws" blackmail, "these laws have become increasingly our stay difficult to regulate in this country, generating the freeze of wages and worsening conditions of life and work, of course at the expense of safety and our rights.
Then came the "security package" that has come full circle, criminalizing the irregular workers permanently.
Employers want that job insecurity is for all, try to ignore all the rights of workers and move their production facilities abroad, with each government administrators of the general interests of power.
The laws of the past two decades have destroyed the pension system, the pension plan guarantees social and contractual workers: contracts co.co.co . represent one of the inventions that broke labor stability, giving employers discounts detrimental to the INPS.
The problem is that now it is time to pay the bills.
And the accounts of the global crisis of capitalism want us to pay us. Italian workers and migrant workers.
current struggles are sterile, do not pay, do not change a "comma" laws that deny the rights of workers does not change the decisions of governments and the Italian government worse.
But this also because, until now, the struggles of the workers were not unitary.
divisions only benefit those who currently holds the power and makes every effort to divide the workers.
However, against this tendency to division, something has been done and can do more.
For example, claims that the associations of immigrant workers, along with anti-racist organizations have argued, although limited to few subjects were unitary: October 17, 2009, based on a common platform, the CGIL went along with based unionism and immigrant associations
8 to January 10, 2010, immigrant farm workers in ROSARNO responded with dignity to the operation (also from the Camorra), showing everyone that the unity and struggle are instruments that are always within reach of workers against capitalism.
On March 2010, the famous "day without immigrants "born in Facebook, an initiative that was in danger of being simply one more manifestation folckloristica, thanks to the joint participation of Italian immigrants and united to vindicate the rights of all, it has become a major day of action: stops factories in Brescia, social strike in dozens of cities, the strike of the purchases, windows closed and children at home.
We believe that the conditions to fight together, Italians and immigrants, and do not think anyone really believes still more the Berlusconi-Bossi fable of throwing out foreigners. We do not want to believe. We are ready to fight for the right to housing, employment, health, a la escuela para todos. Asi mismo Estamos Juntos exige dispuestos to the popular condonación sin pagar de las facturas of gas, electricidad y el agua, asi mismo de las multas en los autobuses, y tranvías meters.
propose the date of October 29, 2010, for a STRIKE ALL FOR THE RIGHTS OF IMMIGRANT WORKERS.
Of course, we believe we have the ability to convene their own. This open letter wants to understand the urgency of our critical condition in Italy, the suffering of our brothers and sisters still without a residence permit, and the need to bring home some real results.
the Proponemos fecha 29 de octubre 2010, para realizar a Huelga de Todos WORKERS FOR THE RIGHTS OF IMMIGRANTS.
Of course, we do not have the capacity to summon alone.
This open letter is to understand and highlight the urgency of our bad living conditions in Italy, the suffering of our brothers and sisters who still do not have the "permesso di soggiorno" and the need to achieve concrete results for all workers. We
6-point proposal as a platform of struggle:
1. Permesso di soggiorno (awaiting use) for those who made the request in "sanatoria truffa" of colf and badantes.
2. Extending the "permesso di soggiorno" for those who have lost work and without these requirements by the severe economic crisis.
3. Implementation of Directive 2009/52/EC of the European Parliament and Council of June 18, 2009, Stay Permit for denouncing black labor to the employer or the condition of over-exploitation.
4. Creating a law guaranteeing the right of asylum under Art. 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and art. 1 of the Geneva Convention on Refugees, offsetting the rejections at sea and bilateral expulsion.
5. Voting rights for immigrants living legally in Italy for over 5 years.
6. Right to citizenship for those born and growing en Italy.
Unity is strength, the rights of our struggle
Edgar Galiano.Coordinatore General Sidiqque Nure Alam (Bachcu) President
Rome, July 29, 2010
www.comitatoimmigrati.net comitatoimmigrati@libero.it
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