Our Committee, in accordance with the Anti-Racist Network in National Assembly of 12 September 2010 in Rome to develop actions to claim the points of the platform. She accepted and promoted together
1 .- Against the "amnesty" FRAUD !!!!!!! P. Stay for those who made the request.
2 .- Stretching P. Stay for those who lost a job or no longer eligible for renewal of self-employment
3 .- Adjustment for those who report illegal workers. Directive 2009/52/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 18 June 2009,
4 .- Right of Asylum Law. Against rejections at sea and bilateral agreements with expulsion.
Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and art. 1 of the Geneva Convention on Refugees.
5 .- Right to vote to immigrants living legally in Italy for over 5 years.
6 .- Right to citizenship for those born or raised in Italy.
on 8 and 9 October immigrants in Campania, Naples, Caserta Castel Volturno, and basically to trigger a real strike called the "Round" with the clear passwords "Today I do not work for less than 50 €" Action promoted by the Movement of Migrants and refugees of Caserta and supported by anti-racist network of Campania and sectors of the church. You close these days with a procession in Caserta Saturday, October 9, racism, exploitation and the Camorra, and the laws permit.
On October 14 the Committee Immigrants in Italy stands alone for the procession, Action does not agree to make a parade before even out the CGIL - PD invited to attend. With great expectations comes the appointment of 17.00 to Republic Square, about two thousand people, mostly migrant workers, these delegations arrived from Earth (the first city that has seen since April immigrants struggling for a residence permit) and Verona (the city where Coordination-State Migrant focus of our committee is the vanguard for the rights-took to the streets in June), also flags the USB and Cub.
The Sit-in in front of Via Cavour take force only upon arrival of the procession, the slogans claiming the platform and above all against the amnesty scam, residence permits for all. Up at 21.00 if they listen to the decisions of improvised determining to wait the next day meeting with the Ministry of the Interior.
In Milan, the European immigrants, unable to continue in the afternoon a sit-in in the Prefecture.
Brescia immigrant workers permanent part of the sit-in a procession to the Piazza Broletto Prefecture and accept our Call us to anticipate the arrival in Rome to be present in the Piazza Esquilino October 15.
1l October 15, from 10:00 am beginning to reach immigrant workers, is reinforced with the arrival of the delegation of more combative boys immigrants Bresciani (which are in place permanently by September 29), then the arrival of the delegation of Caserta, even present a strong delegation of the Immigrants in Rome and the areas of employment of immigrants Action.
After the half-day the delegation of Anti-Racist Network (what's left) meeting with the Ministry, four hours of waiting, unnerving, then nothing, get a shower of cold water (now expected), the time wasted in vain, the delegation is to explain, there is nothing to explain, there is nothing that changes the rules of the amnesty scam. The anger of immigrant workers increases, one could create moments of open confrontation with the police, the reason he wins, he negotiates a parade, even the present Parliamentary Radical Rita Bernardini, authorizes the police. Let's go to Piazza Vittorio Emmanuele, the procession is slow es'ingrandisce, we are a thousand already, we get right to the place where he died Sherkhan (our historical partner Pakistan) and ends. Before leaving, we agreed to meet at the parade of FIOM the next day.
On 16 October, in FIOM parade of the Immigration Committee in Italy can be an important piece greeted by Italian workers, but before leaving improvised assembly to make a decision unit. The old call of October 29 is more important today than ever, now that the response of the Ministry of Interior is a NEGATIVE ABSOLUTE October 29th is the only choice, October 29 will be a day of struggle necessary, if left free choice to strike those who can do it (in any case, the coverage is legal, the strike was proclaimed by CUB) and all now to prepare an exemplary response to this government. Do not leave the possibility of developing other needs peaceful by October 29.
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thank all members of our committee, especially to members of the National Executive who have worked to advance these days of struggle. We welcome new members in the middle of the fight were asked to participate in the committee, opening the possibility to grow in other parts of our organization.
forward the proposal of the Committee of Immigrants in Italy Journal of the strike on October 29, where we claim our six points listed above.
We invite everyone to visit our website: www.comitatoimmigrati.net
Where would you find all the video and printed material produced in these days of struggle.
We want to send, photos, videos from your archives to our mail: info@comitatoimmigrati.net
recommend centering the attention in the preparation of the October 29, 2010 for the proximity of the date. It would be very dangerous for the "amnesty scam" can not be solved as soon as possible, we can not extend the solution, could become an election and freezing our request permission to stay for six months waiting jobs. Will be sent in recent days a new appeal asking the Italian workers solidarity with our struggle.
Siddique Nure (Bachcu)
Rahman Taifur
Edgar Galiano
Rome, October 17, 2010
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