Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Do I Have To Soak Quaker Oats?



A by the Committee ", April 5, Rome - National Network of health and safety in the workplace
Headquarters of reference - Largo Veratti 25 00146 Rome
c / o Associazione Onlus USICONS
E - mail national bastamortesullavoro @
site and mail the committee on April 5

This "notebook" is one of the that we have made available to all and all those who work, especially those used in the construction sector and non-EU citizen is to overcome the many difficulties that we are on the rights and protection of health and safety at work .
E 'an operational tool, allows for the circulation of information and that can be used for the knowledge of how to behave in some typical situations.
also form the "book" is for a consulatare fast, you can take with them to work in the bag, to use them if you have questions or to give information that you can not have direct, short, to make that information can become a collective heritage of many workers, not only of experts.
We have not done a document with too much information, technical or legal, not because we are not capable, but to make it easier to use and transmission of information with some "helpful advice" to follow and to practice on construction sites .
In Italy, the main rules to protect workers (and workers) have been introduced in explicit form in the code calendar of 1942, Title V of the work. "
Important is Article 2087 "protection of working conditions", which requires employers (the owners) to provide physical and psychological integrity and morale of the worker, then we recognize the right of workers see also respected and implemented in the workplace that those rights would be recognized in the general citizens.
Many Civil Code rules relate to the "duties of workers and suffer from a highly hierarchical approach of the employment relationship, many were subsequently modified or replaced with the Republican Constitution of 1948 and subsequent labor laws, the ' Article 2087 of the Civil Code is still in force and is very useful as a basis for any form of intervention in all sectors of public and private buildings as well as health protection of workers and how " safety obligation "borne by the employer .
The Constitution of the Italian Republic has among its principles that of job protection, health and well-fitting remuneration principles that have found it very difficult to actually be made operational in the production of laws that regulated the employment relationships, contractual rights and duties, which were added to the criteria and standards of the National Collective Labour Contracts (in Negotiable symbol) or enterprise agreements.
In fact, one of the rules are not widely used but still in force, established by the "Workers' Charter" Law 300 of May 10, 1970 , which represents the application of the Italian Constitution in the workplace, or working on matters of security and health in the workplace Article 9 Protection of health and physical integrity "... The workers, through their representatives have the right to monitor the implementation of standards for the prevention of accidents and occupational diseases and to promote research, development and implementation of all measures to safeguard their health and their physical integrity " .
Helpful : q HIS accordance with Article 9 of Law 300/1970, had no bike use, but very often in the construction sector where the number of workers officially employed in construction is lower 15 people or with the use of contracts and subcontracts to small businesses to carry out the work, makes it difficult to form a union representation internal site (but not union representation in companies or business undertakings national presence, which more than 15 employees), can still be used as the first instrument of collective self-defense and self-organization from below, through a committee on health in the workplace "according to of the body representing the workers on these specific aspects, with the function of supervision and control.
E 'can be used as long as there is no representative for the health and safety (initials RLS), elected or appointed by the workers unions, the figure provided since 1994, the law that regulates and enforces regulations and guidelines of 'European Union (EU). In companies with fewer than 15 workers, the RLS is directly elected among workers in firms with more than 15 employees shall be elected or appointed, within the existing enterprise trade unions, unions that have the ability to have an internal union representation under Article 19 of Law 300 / 1970 (so all the trade unions which are signatories of a collective agreement, the company also applied at the farm). E 'can be the direct election among workers in firms with more than 15 employees, only if there are internal union representatives (RSA or RSU) in the company.
intact, Italy with a lot of effort has adapted to the rules and guidelines European safety and health at work, first with the Legislative Decree 277 of 1991 (implementing EU directives on exposure to asbestos, lead and noise) and then with the better known Legislative Decree 626 of 1994 and thereafter by a accommodation of different legal rules foreseen in other laws, by Legislative Decree 81 of 2008 (supplemented by Legislative Decree 106 of 2009), which currently constitutes the Italian legislation and regulations, replacing or repealing the former rules in this area.
These rules are then linked those relating to the Criminal Code, for offenses that are related to accidents at work, failure of preventive measures or care for industrial accidents, environmental disasters, as well as those of personal injury, wrongful death in cases of workplace fatalities. ;
The applicable regulations provide for different rights of those who work and also obligations of the employer, we focus on the aspects of increased use
EMPLOYER OBLIGATIONS (general provisions of Articles 15 protection in Articles 17 and 18 D. Lgs. 81/2008)
Certain obligations are borne by employers, as the preparation and processing of the document Risk Assessment (acronym DVR), appointing the manager of prevention services and risk protection (acronym RSPP), which are obliged not be delegated, while other obligations under the Act may also be delegated and carried out in practice by managers. Among the basic obligations, there are the appointment of competent medical company to use "medical surveillance" and regular medical visits (see Article 38 of Legislative Decree no. 81), for the appointment of employees' implementation of fire prevention measures, first aid and emergencies, the evacuation of the workplace in an emergency and in cases of danger or serious and immediate (that workers should receive appropriate information and training to be borne by the employer), to provide workers the necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE acronym) and ask the workers to use, require workers to respect and 'observance of labor standards, particularly in health and safety rules and company regulations on safety and hygiene at work, fulfilling the duties of information, education and training of workers, make sure they are used for work at risk, only those who have received proper training and specific training to workers through their representatives to verify the application of rules on health and safety and hygiene at work, deliver a copy of the DVR and let the RLS or employee representatives for security access to data, processing the DVR for the annual verification of compliance or measures be taken to prevent damage or danger in the workplace or for the prevention of health, transmit the information to INAIL and other public authorities, data on accidents at work than one day (in addition to that of the injury ), and data for information on accidents at work over 3 days, communicate INAIL every year in the name of the RLS elected or appointed in the workplace.
IMPORTANT, is provided as required the employer in conducting business under the contract or subcontract, to provide workers with identification card, with photos and GENERAL 'OF ALL EMPLOYEES OF COMPANIES IN CONTRACT OR SUB CONTRACT WITH STATEMENT OF EMPLOYER WORK. Provision may be formal and not real.
all breaches of these obligations and, if found to be penalties, fines and penalties are provided for economic burden of the employer and also in cases of liability management. this aspect of the fines and monetary penalties in cases where the arrest is planned, which focuses on the desire for "compensation" at the lowest possible price for the masters, without providing for imprisonment in serious cases even of injury or death in the workplace, and with administrative responsibility for the company executives and employers, which has raised many concerns. ;
RIGHTS (Article 44) and "obligation" of employees (Article 20 of Legislative Decree no. 81/2008) The law puts more emphasis on the obligations of employees to fulfill necessary to protect the health and safety, that the rights themselves. The worker in fact "must" give his help to fulfill their obligations to protect the security, must comply with the company and those provided by law, must use properly Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) provided, must properly use any substances used during processing and must be used correctly in the equipment or machinery used at work, using correctly collective protection equipment, must report to the manager; danger or risk, working to remove these factors in cases of urgency, must avoid changing the safety devices, warning or control on the place of work, must avoid doing operations that are not under its jurisdiction, must participate in training programs organized by the employer (although of low quality and technical efficiency) must submit health checks, it must exhibit the badge ... it's "duties and obligations" in case of non-compliance by employees are subject to heavy fines and monetary penalties (from 300 to 600 euro fine ), which are disproportionate to what they would pay the Paroni and their senior executives for violations of "their" obligations. Between rights as prescribed in Article 44, which literally says "... a worker who, in the event of serious and imminent danger and can not be avoided, leave their job or a dangerous area, not may suffer any prejudice and must be protected from any harmful consequence ... a worker who, in the case of serious and imminent danger and unable to talk to the competent superior, take measures to avoid the consequences of such danger, can not suffer any prejudice to such action, unless they have committed gross negligence. "
means that the worker should not suffer disciplinary sanctions, financial loss or loss of pay if you leave the job in situations of "immediate serious threat," although it is always where the worker to prove that the situation was "... serious danger, immediate risk, not avoidable.
This is considered a right is subject to such conditions to be met, be difficult to apply in practice, unless you have: a good knowledge of the internal organization of work, processing steps, a specific information, training and vocational training imparted by the employer, so as to have accurate and thorough the picture of the situation and how to behave ... conditions and instruments, as they are a "cost" to employers, are difficult to claim and get together and for the total of the workers.
Especially for Article 44 in case of failure of a workers' rights, so if you leave a job "dangerous" and tasks and activities "at risk", there is no No monetary penalty even for employers, managers or executives if they hamper or impede the employee to exercise the "right" under Article 44. ;
INFORMATION (Article 36 of Legislative Decree no. 81/2008)
The employer is obliged to provide workers with adequate information about risks to health and safety, including information on measures and activities prevention of risks and protection from danger. Information should also be given to the procedures regarding first aid, the fight against risks from fire and evacuation procedures for workers in case of fire or danger.
This obligation is also extended to inform workers about the dangers of using substances used in work activities and preparations, used in business activities, according to the schedules relating to dangerous substances and preparations, according to figures provided by the rules of safety regulations and standards of "good practice". The reference to safety and good technique signfica that the employer has to adapt to the degree of evolution and scientific and technical progress, necessary to obtain the best possible security, without making the safety criteria of economic sustainability and production possibilities.
just a theoretical principle, but rarely applied, as shown by the massacres at work and the fact that security is considered a "cost" is not always sustainable.
A new feature included in the law, which incorporates provisions of the Negotiable, whose practical implementation is yet to be demonstrated, provides information on risks and preventive measures should take account of "nationality" of employees of the verification of understanding of the language used for the transmission information, but this provision seems an attempt to take an objective use of immigrant labor force in some sectors such as construction, without giving concrete suggestions on working conditions, of blackmail, exploitation, low cost and then the increased job insecurity of immigrants, with the increasingly close link between work and residence permit or residence card, then the relationship between work and "underground" / "legality". If you have fewer rights as "immigrants" in general, tying the stay in Italy and the EU countries to the employment contract and a minimum wage, you also have fewer rights in the workplace. This is a barrier and discrimination that must be overcome in a matter such as health and safety at work.
TRAINING (Article 37 of Legislative Decree no. 81/2008)
The employer is obliged workers to ensure a sufficient and appropriate training is in recruitment, both during the employment relationship, in cases of transfer or exchange of tasks, or in cases of change with use of new preparations, noxious or hazardous substances or in case of technological innovation that involves the use of workers with new machinery.
The rule provides that no worker can be used for tasks other than those originating at the time of new tasks or if it is transferred, without having first been trained and capable in the field of health and safety.
The right to receive training and specific training is then provided for those employees who are assigned to work in dangerous jobs or use of hazardous substances or services at risk. Again, training should take account of "nationality" of employees and verification of understanding of the language used for the transmission of information and content of training.
The right to have any particular training is then provided for those functions of the Workers' Safety Representative in initials RLS "elected or appointed in accordance with the requirements of Article 47 of the Leg. 81/2008), which is scheduled to start at a minimum of 32 hours then an annual update that can not be less than 4 hours per year for companies employing up to 15 employees, 8 hours per year for those with more than 50 workers. The formation of RLS should be put in the best conditions for particular knowledge of the rules health and safety of specific risks in their area of \u200b\u200brepresentation and the main techniques of control and risk prevention.
Even workers who have been designated for the activities of First rescue, fire prevention and evacuation procedures for workers in case of emergency or danger, they must receive adequate training to their required functions.
All training activities should be conducted during working hours and not have costs and expenses to the workers, so they are paid by the employer.
Also on this important issue, education, the risk is that training becomes too one-sided "in favor of the interests of employers, both those that provide the (local or specialized companies, chosen by the employer) and for the insufficient number of hours of training to upgrade RLS and because reference is made to train workers to "best practices" and their behavior, so their obligations which actually download the workers themselves the question of the risks and prevention.
safety standards in construction and mobile sites .
(Title IV, Articles 88 to 160 of Legislative Decree no. 81/2008)
Title V information and training for RLS and workers on safety signs (Articles 161 to 168),
Title VI information, training and specific training on the handling (manual or not) workloads
A key issue is knowledge of responsibilities in the design and execution of the work, the obligation of information and training in the execution of the work, the main measures of prevention and safety on site furniture, and for the materials used for both measures and the steps during the completion of the work or works, as well as the coordination of work between the customer and the companies and enterprises carrying out the work themselves, contract and sub contract. It is not possible in this briefing paper going into details, but it is a comprehensive exhibition with some "tips for those who work in construction," including with regard to signs and changes in workload.
Defining mobile or temporary worksite (art. 89 D. Lgs. 81/2008) site is called every place in which building works are made
E 'defined foster enterprise, the company that owns the contract, the performance of work which companies can use sub contractors, which are called contracting companies. . The supervisor is in the design phase of the work the designer, the stage of execution is also called project manager. The man-day is the alleged number of workers - workers used a construction site, is determined by the sum of the days work done by workers, even if self-employed workers in the work or stage of their for its development.
Operational Safety Plan (POS), is a document made by any enterprise that performs work related to each site, where there are several companies and businesses involved with the implementation phases, including not at the same time, it is also written security plan for Coordination (PSC), both documents are important because they contain in addition to the technical report, a series of statements and documents that define the duration of the work or the executive phase of work, the designation Coordinator for Planning, in the execution phase the developer, the project supervisor must be appointed and given the Coordinator in carrying out the work.
An employer (principal and supervisor) is required (Article 90) to respect and enforce, even by the carer (holder of the contract) and the contracting companies in the sub contract, all provisions and general obligations of health and safety set out in Article 15 of D. Decree Law 81/2008. Among reporting requirements and transmission , shall be communicated to all contracting companies and the self-employed (they follow the instructions of the coordinator during the execution of the work and activities in which they are used, art. 94) The names of COORDINAOTRE THE PLANNING AND COORDINATION OF WORK DELL'ESEZUIONE, these names should be indicated in YARD SIGN. Paid by the buyer is required to notify the parties involved in the law, the names and reference data of the carer, the contractors, the self-employed, with declaration by each firm 's average number of workers employed, allegations of registration workers to the INPS, INAIL and the Speaker Building. E 'enough that you attach and submit the DURC (Document of Social Security, that is a statement that it has complied with the payment of taxes and social security contributions) of all companies (sub contract) and the self-certification the Negotiable applied.
Tips: since 2007, with the "Bersani decree" rule was introduced to counter the black working in construction, which provides required to notify the successful recruitment least INAIL one day Prior to starting work. Just as it is expected to be submitted DURC of INPS and other documents.
If these documents and statements are not submitted, or if the site inspection it is found that at least 20% of total workers employed in the black media works, the risk in addition to economic sanctions and suspension of the administrative hand, employers work of companies carrying out the work are hiring part-time, averaging 20 hours ... when in fact they work a lot more time weekly maximum allowed by law and collective agreement (40 hours). It 's a regular intake under the formal side, but that bypasses the law because the workers are regularly recruited and enrolled to the INPS, INAIL and Checkout Building spatial reference for a part-time but working full time and 20 hours that are not actually on the payroll and accounting (Book One of Labour acronym LUL) by employment experts, are a DRY SAVE FOR ENTERPRISE and a rip off for the workers.
therefore recommend checking the registration with INPS where you are resident for the area where it corresponds to the number of hours actually worked and in general if the charges are paid, mark your calendar or notebook on the hours that YOU ACTUALLY WORK IN PROGRESS and for all the days actually worked, the first day of start of work, check if INAIL is taking (temporary or permanent) with a date at least 1 day before the date of commencement of works on site, WRITE AND CODE ALL THE DAYS OF RAIN, SNOW OR WEATHER CONDITIONS IN WHICH WAS NOT 'WORK, Speakers make a review to the Building, in construction because the holidays, the thirteenth and the days of not working (there CCNL Construction in the allowance of rain on average are paid 80% of the gross daily wage and Construction is set aside in cash, paid in regular payroll ...) as other allowances shall be made by the Building Fund and then paid to workers.
is obviously verified payroll, as for all workers, to check if it matches the gross hourly wage and the other entries of what has worked effectively in the event of any dispute if it has direct control (which is why it is important to mark the hours actually made, overtime , the work done on Saturday o. .. on Sunday, which would not be allowed, the hours not worked due to rain ...) will have a better chance of recovering money for the hours worked and not paid.
Other obligations of the contracting companies (sub contract art. 95 Leg. 81/2008), addition to the general protection of Article 15 of Legislative Decree Law 81/2008 described above, you are to maintain the yard in good condition hygiene - health care, the correct choice of jobs, routes or areas for navigation and movement of workers and equipment; the verification of the conditions for the movement of workloads, use of materials, maintenance and plant control and safety devices, the luodo the deposit of materials (if they are dangerous), the adjustment of the effective duration for the various types or stages of this phase of works on site, coordination among the various contracting companies and self-employed.
art. 96: employers (including subcontractors) must verify that is identified in a visible and identifiable every avenue of entry to the yard, the fence of the same, the storage and disposal of materials (to prevent collapse or fall), to provide for the removal of rubble and debris, make sure you have the protection of workers from rain, snow, atmospheric factors which may endanger the health of workers.
art. 97: Employers of the contracting companies write the plan OPERATIONAL SAFETY (acronym POS), ensure the safety of the work assigned to them and the correct application of the POS, and if more businesses in the work of the yard, SAFETY PLAN AND COORDINATION (acronym PSC).
Other companies foster obligations (contract holders contract, Art. 96), coordinate actions, check the POS of the various companies (sub contract) than that achieved by the carer, the work is carried forward to the Coordinator of all SOPs prepared for that type of work.
is important as stated in Article 100 of the D. Decree Law 81/2008 on the Safety Plan and Coordination (PSC initials), it is a technical report with directions to the works to be carried out, including the difficulties and risks to health and safety of workers, (depending prevention and harm reduction) and cost estimates. This document E 'PART OF THE CONTRACTS.
PLAN Security operations and the security plan and coordination (POS and PSC) shall be made available in copy to the representatives of workers' safety RLS, at least 10 days before starting work.
Each contracting companies which carry out the work must submit their POS foster the company (owner of contract), which transmits it after testing the fitness coordinator for the execution of works. The work can begin within 15 days of receipt of all documentation and inspections.
Article 102: Consultation of RLS should be done at the POS and the PSC, the representatives of workers' safety can make observations on the two documents.
Tips: whether the whole procedure on the obligations of the foster, the contracting companies is done regularly, check if RLS are delivered to copy the documents before they start work and are physically follow the observations made by RLS if they are useful for the protection of health and safety of workers. Turn on the initiatives for reporting and complaint to bodies (inspection service job, ASL, INPS, INAIL, Health Building) in case of any breach of obligations by employers and their managers, in this case if there are no rls elected or appointed, may be useful training a committee as described for the application of Article 9 of the Workers 'Statute (as long as it is in force) and in the yards or workplaces with the number of workers under 15 people, do the direct election of workers' representative for Security RLS, as expected, and is protected by Article 47 (and following, for its freedom of action and specific protection of health and safety) of D. lgs. 81/2008.
Article 105 et seq
are defined as work at height activities which puts workers at risk of falling, compared to 2 meters above the stable surface
Tips: must be verified FITNESS 'and function' routes of entry / exit site, the internal passageways for workers and equipment or machinery used, check whether the transit routes are protected with barriers or by appropriate measures, including suspension bridges, aerial ladders.
to be verified that the fence of the site has characteristics that prevent the entry of unauthorized persons to work (Articles 108 and 110 of Legislative Decree no. 81/2008)
It occurred to compliance with the requirements and obligations (referred to 'Article 111) to be paid by employers of companies (sub contract), the priority of the protection measures collective than individual, the suitability of the size of the equipment used with the work to be done, the movement within the yard must be free of risks to workers and to check that the routes of entry are eligible for the job "in dimension ", based on the frequency of passage, and the duration of the gradient. The passage through
walkways and platforms must not lead to risks of falling, be verified that there are no easy escape routes in case of danger.
No ladders to the work site at high altitude, ropes and cords should be used and placed in this type of work, only if the work is of short duration and if according to the basic document Risk Assessment (acronym DVR), that compares with the RLS or the representatives chosen by employees under Article 9 of Law 300 of 1970 (Statute of Workers) in the absence of RLS elected or appointed, there are other systems more secure or not possible changes to business sites for the execution of the work.
to be verified that they are used in the construction of seats with accessories, after the risk assessment and based on the duration of the work to be done at high altitude. In any case, they must put protective against falls (these are the measures of collective protection).
should be made and executed the work on construction sites, especially those at high altitude (construction), only if weather conditions permit, to avoid jeopardizing the health and safety of workers (Negotiable building, is in fact provided such compensation of rain, which is set aside by Building Fund and then paid workers, on average, 80% of the gross daily wage based on the operating level). You should mark the days not worked due to rain, snow or other causes in a notebook to see if they are then paid each day with its benefits.
E 'forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages or spirits or give to those working at height or on scaffolding.
should be made a verification report by RLS or those responsible for carrying out the works or their officers (foreman), the suitability 'of scaffolding, using it as scrap material unsuitable for use (Article 112 of Legislative Decree no. 81/2008), check that the materials used for temporary works on scaffolds or stages of works, are in good condition, that the work be done "in a workmanlike manner," refuse to use any old or damaged to prevent the risk of falls or other Damage at work. If they are used fixed ladders with steps, for access to the workplace, should be checked by testing their resistance to the maximum workload in an emergency (with crowds of people and materials), be established that the stairs have a width suitable for the passage of people and materials, see if there is a handrail on at least one side, if you set a parapet or other defensive measures to prevent falls, though the scales are higher than 5 meters high should be checked to be included in a special "metal cage" against falling material from above. If
in places of work or scaffolding, preparing dough (such as mortar or concrete), check is made first collective protection with solid scaffold, or barriers that are installed or defensive measures to workers at work, or protection of people from nearby construction sites (despite the warnings and the signs should be placed in visible points).
If a phase of work, activities are carried out with the work of the chisel, or split rocks or materials that can create chips, should be placed defensive barriers or protective measures to eliminate the risk of damage to the face caused by flying debris.
Check that during a phase of work, with the use of welding equipment, workers are provided, and maintain the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE acronym) made available by the employer, such as protective mask to prevent sparks or excessive heat and gloves to prevent burns to the hands: When using drills or jackhammers for work done on the ground or near construction sites net to check that workers are using the proper protection for the ears (headphones) and goggles for eye protection. sure that workers use protective masks for work phases in contact with dust or substances that can create respiratory problems, NO handkerchiefs and scarves.
In all cases, it is mandatory in construction and mobile sites using the protective helmet, which must be kept connected while working to protect the head and approved models. Even self-employed workers who are employed in some phases of the work of executions, are obliged to enforce such measures of protection.
All the tools and PPE must be provided by the employer, and foster business and contracting companies to all workers employed in shipyards, including the self-employed if they are not provided for its own account. PPE must be in good condition, unfit for their specific protection and in compliance with the approved models on the market. be monitored, and is also responsible for RLS or trade union representatives on site, monitoring the suitability, functionality and effectiveness of IPR use and control of LRO compliance, as well as the proper use by employees.
If a use of PPE is damaged or broken, or otherwise not good for its proper use, it is sought to replace with new one, the person responsible for performing the work or to repost for the yard, no cost to the employee, with the delivery of DPI damaged or broken, unless there is evidence that has been deliberately damaged or broken by the worker who had the operation.
Warning: there are monetary penalties for workers, from 200 to 600 € for non-use of the headband or DPI, 50 to 300 € for non-participation in training or specific training.
should be carried out the inspection, by workers and the RLS, delivery and putting into use of fall protection systems from (as required by Article 115 of Legislative Decree no. 81/2008), which are used by workers if not in place and implemented systems of collective security. These harnesses, lanyards, safety lines or guides flexible or rigid crampons for those working on the poles, energy absorbers, connectors (snap), it is verified that they are approved and certified. When used in construction, to controls that are useful to direct support or connector cords, "life lines", or directly to the stable parts of the fixed works.
Verification that there is a margin free fall not exceeding 1.5 meters.
Warning: for the work to be done near power lines or electrical equipment (Article 117), control measures to be taken care before and during the work to be performed: to disconnect and remove the active parts, not put obstacles conductors energy stiff, to avoid contact with live parts, always keep a safe distance (recommended at least 5 meters), people, equipment, machinery and arrangement of scaffolding.
The safety distance in each case must be judged according to the type of work to be performed, equipment to use, the corresponding voltage to avoid direct contact or electrical shock hazard.
to work phases involving excavation or digging, with manual and non-use of any means of mechanical diggers, should be checked to prevent landslides or mudslides, the degree of tilt (plus the land is sloping, the higher the risk of landslide).
In any case, unsafe to land due to infiltration of water, rainfall or other natural causes, be planned and implemented forms of soil consolidation, through armor and barricades solid support, particularly for excavation work or deeper than 1.50 meters.
Check During the work there is NOT one to remain close to or near of the eyebrow and the base of the wall of the excavation of attack, in this case is also putting special signs mobile, which monitors the progress of the excavation.
Even in the case of using mechanical diggers, be controlled according to prior anyone stand near the range of motion of the mechanical means, or part of the side of the attack during the work. Verify that the person mechanical excavator, and work location if not covered in a special cabin metal for protection in the use of the medium.
Important, the development of appropriate underpinnings for protection, to avoid the risk of landslides deposits of excavation and materials near the excavations.
All assembly, dismantled and removed the scaffolding, ladders, shoring or temporary works, be made by workers under the direct supervision of a manager or agent to work.
All scaffolds fixed with metallic and non-carriers, pre-fabricated, and its joints, must be certified and approved, according to the models certification to be indicated in the technical report and in the POS and PSC, with attached certification cards (Articles 131 and 132 Leg. 81/2008).
Tier control and verification of compliance with consultation of RLS in the delivery of a copy technical documents and data sheets attached at least 10 days before starting work, also applies to the manufacture, use and rental of scaffolding and fixed joints, should be also in the documentation by the contractors, so even when sub contract for the construction work.
SIGNS: (Articles 161 to 168 of Legislative Decree . 81/2008)
training should be made to workers on the various forms of signs, their meaning, using gestural signs in yards, with proper training and education shall also specify steps to be followed for the knowledge and use of various types of signs (Article 164 d. \u200b\u200bDecree Law 81/2008), prohibition, warning, mandatory, distress, information, through signs, colors, symbols, or light or sound signals.
components RLS should be informed of all measures to be taken on safety signs within the company or individual yards.
The RLS receives information before work, on signs that will be used during the various stages of execution of the work and work with information to be attached to documents and plans Operational Security (POS) and the technical report as measures for the prevention of risk factors and elimination of risks.
Tips: verify that the obligations of information and training to workers and RLS for the signs, check during execution of work, used to be materially different forms of signs required, which is consistent with what is indicated in the technical documents and in SOPs of the various companies and foster the blanks, which are affixed in a visible place both inside and outside the yard, as a function of protection and warning of those who work in the construction both of whom passed close of the yard.
HANDLING OF LOADS OF WORK ( Articles 169 to 171 Leg. 81/2008)
information to RLS and workers with the necessary training for occupational hazards for the proper implementation of activities and 'specific training on the maneuvers correct and exact procedures to follow, will be provided by employers as their obligation with regard to handling, manual or mechanical support, workload (Article 169).
E 'obligation of the employer is in the design phase but also in the executing, evaluating and ensuring the health and safety, to prevent or reduce the risks involved in handling tasks, even with the health surveillance required by law.
Tips: make sure it is done with precision information, training and specific training to workers and RLS, check that the technical data on the movement of workloads are included in the document Risk Assessment and DVR in the technical reports that this information has been provided that the RLS may submit written comments and directions for the protection of health and safety of workers.
This is an important issue, also because it is tied to the internal organization of work, the rhythms work and should be cause for careful monitoring and evaluation not only for those features of RLS, but the trade unions or domestic forms of collective self-defense (committees) of workers.
often try to control the organization of work , a matter that is the responsibility of owners and their managers, but can not be delegated to them with assistance from the workers and their internal representations, as verify that the pace of work at the works do not become too heavy, is an excellent tool for the prevention of workplace accidents and fatalities and to reduce damage and risks at work. ;
Top tips on what to do: - enable this if the emergency services on site - in case of falling from NOT remove the employee - to ensure that the worker is in conscious state, - AMBULANCE CALL for transport to the emergency room of the Hospital - hospital public - to alert the RLS and those responsible for carrying out the work of the yard - to reconstruct the dynamics of the event or condition that caused the 'accident at work - to accompany the worker to the emergency room and make sure it is treated as accidents at work with the forms provided medical care for these cases - so that it is treated as a disease or that the worker is taken out of the yard so as not to see that there was an accident - check that the employee is given a copy of health records sull'infortunio at work and the medical prognosis, - make photocopies of the documents issued by the emergency room - check it immediately and not later than 48 hours from the day of the procedure is enabled by the staff of the office where he joined the injured worker as an employee or otherwise, in case of failure by the employer by the worker (or family or work colleagues in his place for the physical transmission with signature of the employee injured), sent by registered mail with a return receipt of documentation from the hospital emergency room INAIL (NOT INPS, is not like the disease) and the employer - make sure all the practice 'INAIL is open correctly and the time of injury might be paid as such (100% average earnings) in salary, anticipated by the employer in a subsequent refund check by INAIL in the event of successful closure of the case of an accident .
del'assunzione Check the condition of regularity (at least one day before the work) of the injured worker, his correct registration INAIL check if it was correctly assumed for hours without physically or part-time ( is different, the amount of pay) and ask to RLS, the internal union representation if there is to check the books of the correctness of the procedure for accident , have been complied with all measures of protection and accident prevention in construction and technical report to be submitted to the Labour Inspection services, the ASL is responsible for the territory and the Public Prosecutor of the Criminal Court, also available through unions or contacts with the National Network on workplace safety, to open an inquiry and establish responsibilities. In case of fatal accidents, the construction of the tower are suspended for the investigation of the judiciary and the findings provided, so you should try to collect useful information, news and evidence for a correct statement of the facts and dynamics of e. .. death on the job by working to prevent the investigations are closed too quickly and you get to close the case without charge.
Species for liaison activities between workers, RLS, technical committees and associations of relatives of people killed on the job, as citizens and service users, was formed two years in Rome as the Committee on April 5 and shortly after the national network, also running in support of investigations, solidarity with the families and workers in the workplace, particularly where jobs are open to serious injury or death in the workplace, to provide information and assist the formation of groups of workers and workers who stand up for their conditions of work and life, on this important aspect of health and safety in the workplace, as it is developing a series of contacts with the committees in different cities, and damaging effects to working on environmental disasters produced by harmful and dangerous to the health and safety of workers and the welfare of those living or studying in the vicinity of factories, farms or places where hazardous products are used.


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