How long will rule again Berlusconi? As may even insult as "communists", the President of the Republic, the Constitutional Court and its political opponents? How much longer will the Italians to abuse their patience? This man
unscrupulous dominates his people for 15 years, both as opposition leader and as head of government. Italy during this period is a country becomes worse. E 'fell cheaply. Politically, abroad is hardly taken seriously. He lost in internal cohesion.
now a Constitutional Court ruling in Rome by premierl'immunità alter the criminal trial. This' gives hope for those who think that another Italy is possible. Sure, they are already 'been disappointed too often. Each time Berlusconi has managed to escape to magistrates and judges.
Not this time if the svignera 'abroad to retire to the shelter of Justice, as did his friend Craxi, now deceduto.O not. Thursday was the challenge: "I will show the Italians what they are made."
Its members produce more diligently to protect their head of government. Meanwhile Berlusconi tries to put the people against the rule of law. It 'been elected and therefore is sacrosanct, says in a loud voice. His exaggerated slogans as "Long live Italy, long live Berlusconi" prove it: this man treats the common good to own. It acts as an absolute ruler - if not for divine grace, then grace note to the people.
the early nineties a courageous magistrates in Milan began the action with "clean hands" to cleanse his country, corrupted by an uninterrupted Democratic rule, without success. Today the head of the country's a man who will retain all the freedom, even if it appears that his hands are dirty.
However a majority of Italians continue to vote for Berlusconi and vote again even now, if the polls do not deceive. This is despite the country goes wrong and the government does little to change things. A comparison of the "Lion of Freedom", as Berlusconi is celebrating the grand coalition in Berlin was a tiger of reforms. What then keeps Italians close to their prime minister?
Abroad, he answers this question a bit 'confused and a little' fun. The Italians are like that. They love the shows and good looks, being seduced by the boast of Berlusconi, from his love affairs, and his money, from its TV stations and his optimism through clenched teeth.
Certainly this is not enough to explain his success. Italians are not more stupid than citizens of other democratic states. Many people see exactly the weaknesses of their Knight, his falling in love with himself and the lack of political substance. Rate it anyway.
Schizophrenia can be explained. The Italian State has long been known that people do not believe him capable of anything more, just can not, there are fleeing. The State responds by adopting increasingly stringent laws, whether it be the Highway Code, the building legislation and taxation. The city continues to evade and the rule says.
The result: you created a system of rules so dense that if the Italians will have stuck, suffocate. So the state drags its citizens illegally. Made Italy a country heavily on dirty hands. Many people feel they are somehow wrong, must be constantly afraid of controls, processes and fines.
In this situation presents to them a man who seems to be roughly the same condition. Berlusconi promises to curb the state. Insults the criminal justice and disorderly. Suggests that some 'of corruption is indeed a minor offense. I am not a politician, but one of you, says Berlusconi and this is something true. Many citizens of the right until well into the center so they feel represented by him. They think, under Berlusconi the state does not become better but at least leave us in peace.
The left opposes weakened slightly this antipathy against the State, which has its roots in political storiche.Quale bad experience can be presented as an alternative to Berlusconi? Can not answer. The vacuum seeking to catch a comedian and the revolutionary left-wing daily La Repubblica. Certainly can not replace a strong opposition in Parliament, as required by a healthy democracy. So it will be the same bourgeois right to have to shake off from the Knight. Rightly, because he has supported for a long time. His people could sooner or later realize that Berlusconi may be some short-term profit, but in the long term is detrimental to all Italians. It is no longer enough for some politicians, such as the prudent and conservative Parliament President Gianfranco Fini, cautiously protest. They must go to the revolt. Of course, it would be risky. Why Berlusconi is still powerful. But Fini is the leader credible when their patience ran out of the Italians with Berlusconi.
[Original article " Silvio Berlusconi: Der Spiegel Italiens by Stefan Ulrich]
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