tempted to abandon the policy and leave Italy, Silvio Berlusconi is confident. A country - he says - he loves and for which he has done and continues to do good, but where the left part of the judiciary and certain economic powers are doing everything to destroy it. However - insists the prime minister - do not we have succeeded in the past 15 years and not be able even now to make him throw in the towel. Indeed, the more they attack him the more he responds and loads, perhaps after a moment of despair. The ruling sparked Mondadori President of the Council in uncontrollable rage. Yesterday, in private, Silvio Berlusconi has given vent to some friends before leaving Milan during their return from Messina where he went to the tragedy of the landslides.
The premier, after flying over the disaster areas, met the journalists in the prefecture. Dark face, no joking, and above all to answer questions. After the press briefing, he got up and left. The Undersecretary for Civil Protection Bertolaso \u200b\u200bhad said: "If I were asked the Mondadori not have the strength to bite my tongue ... you better not talk right now." The Knight seemed attacked by opposite feelings: he would desire to leave Italy, in fact. "But are things you say - said his friend - in some difficult times, especially after months of attacks on all fronts: only a strong man like him can not resist. " Berlusconi wants to react to the bite that is tight. The decision also concerned that the Constitutional Court will tomorrow take the Lodo Alfano. And the ruling that forced Cir Mondadori to pay 735 million is seen as an icing on the cake poisoned his enemies are preparing.
It 's a profoundly unjust sentence, he repeated several times yesterday, came from the blue. Abnormal and unfair because - claims - the figure is incredible, even disproportionately compared to the merits of the litigation. In sum, although the Mondadori was wrong or that money would not be in heaven or on the earth. It 'obvious that it will go on appeal, but the premier is not optimistic: after all, what can you expect from the court in Milan? How to trust an impartial court of appeal? This, Berlusconi justice is ticking, the culmination of an attack that has gone on for months. But go ahead with the government and this majority that now wants to show solidarity with their leader with a demonstration.
"It's obvious - explains the team leader Pdl Cicchitto - that the attack on Prime Minister Berlusconi of specific political and financial sectors is concentrated and more long lines that go from the gossip, the evocation of the Mafia bombings of '92, for more that is prepared and, now, to this ruling by the Civil unusual proportions well studied even in the times. " Here, then, the hypothesis of a 'great popular demonstration, "also supported by Bondi and Quagliariello.
Berlusconi sees a lot of clouds thicken, and then summons the center. Bring the people to the streets of freedom could be the answer, a trial of strength against those who move against him in the shadows. The same ruling of the court in Milan is seen as a piece of a campaign that, after hitting him in the picture, now points to its companies, in particular, to Mondadori, the one led by his daughter Marina, who recently was exposed to very in defense of his father. Condemnation and figure error, as the attempt will Mondadori a failure, is the theory. And the beneficiary is, according Cicchitto, Carlo De Benedetti, the owner of Cir and Republic, which was the spearhead of attack against the Knights. Everything is held, continues to repeat Berlusconi during his trip to Messina.
tempted to abandon the policy and leave Italy, Silvio Berlusconi is confident. A country - he says - he loves and for which he has done and continues to do good, but where the left part of the judiciary and certain economic powers are doing everything to destroy it. However - insists the prime minister - do not we have succeeded in the past 15 years and not be able even now to make him throw in the towel. Indeed, the more they attack him the more he responds and loads, perhaps after a moment of despair. The ruling sparked Mondadori President of the Council in uncontrollable rage. Yesterday, in private, Silvio Berlusconi has given vent to some friends before leaving Milan during their return from Messina where he went to the tragedy of the landslides.
The premier, after flying over the disaster areas, met the journalists in the prefecture. Dark face, no joking, and above all to answer questions. After the press briefing, he got up and left. The Undersecretary for Civil Protection Bertolaso \u200b\u200bhad said: "If I were asked the Mondadori not have the strength to bite my tongue ... you better not talk right now." The Knight seemed attacked by opposite feelings: he would desire to leave Italy, in fact. "But are things you say - said his friend - in some difficult times, especially after months of attacks on all fronts: only a strong man like him can not resist. " Berlusconi wants to react to the bite that is tight. The decision also concerned that the Constitutional Court will tomorrow take the Lodo Alfano. And the ruling that forced Cir Mondadori to pay 735 million is seen as an icing on the cake poisoned his enemies are preparing.
It 's a profoundly unjust sentence, he repeated several times yesterday, came from the blue. Abnormal and unfair because - claims - the figure is incredible, even disproportionately compared to the merits of the litigation. In sum, although the Mondadori was wrong or that money would not be in heaven or on the earth. It 'obvious that it will go on appeal, but the premier is not optimistic: after all, what can you expect from the court in Milan? How to trust an impartial court of appeal? This, Berlusconi justice is ticking, the culmination of an attack that has gone on for months. But go ahead with the government and this majority that now wants to show solidarity with their leader with a demonstration.
"It's obvious - explains the team leader Pdl Cicchitto - that the attack on Prime Minister Berlusconi of specific political and financial sectors is concentrated and more long lines that go from the gossip, the evocation of the Mafia bombings of '92, for more that is prepared and, now, to this ruling by the Civil unusual proportions well studied even in the times. " Here, then, the hypothesis of a 'great popular demonstration, "also supported by Bondi and Quagliariello.
Berlusconi sees a lot of clouds thicken, and then summons the center. Bring the people to the streets of freedom could be the answer, a trial of strength against those who move against him in the shadows. The same ruling of the court in Milan is seen as a piece of a campaign that, after hitting him in the picture, now points to its companies, in particular, to Mondadori, the one led by his daughter Marina, who recently was exposed to very in defense of his father. Condemnation and figure error, as the attempt will Mondadori a failure, is the theory. And the beneficiary is, according Cicchitto, Carlo De Benedetti, the owner of Cir and Republic, which was the spearhead of attack against the Knights. Everything is held, continues to repeat Berlusconi during his trip to Messina.
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