OREGON (United States) - The incredible story that vaguely resembles the U.S. film "Junior" with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito, where the first is "pregnant" because of an exceptional and sci-fi experiment in artificial insemination. Thomas Beatie of Oregon, however, is a transsexual, now the fifth month of pregnancy, and will be the first man to give birth, says the U.S. press. WITH PHOTO
Pancione - Thomas Beatie, who once was a woman, appeared latest issue of The Advocate , American magazine aimed primarily at readers gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. In the article Beatie describes his particular situation and a photo shows him with his belly to the twenty-second week of pregnancy . Sex-change years ago, Beatie underwent a surgery removal of the breast and hormone therapy with testosterone injections. Did not want to to remove the female organs and a few months ago he wanted to suspend its twice-monthly injections of so deciding whether to remain "pregnant". "Sterilization is not a prerequisite for sex reassignment, so I decided to preserve my right to procreate," he says. A choice due to the fact that Nancy, the girlfriend of Thomas for 10 years, would not have been able to successfully complete a much-desired pregnancy, due to severe endometriosis who had struck at a young age.
'pregnancy? It's an incredible feeling '
Today the pair rather than adopting a child decided to conceive one, "I am transgender, legally married man and Nancy," says Thomas, from the pages of the magazine. And the desire of a child was stronger than all the obstacles that have arisen before: "When we decided to have a child, our family members were shocked and many doctors have rejected us. To the neighbors were a normal couple, now you are no longer, "he says, arguing that" not wanting a child is a female prerogative, but part of being human. " Then, a year ago, with the help of insemination at home (the pregnancy was made possible thanks to a sperm bank, with which the couple bought a few vials of semen) here is made possible what many thought impossible: "Pregnancy is an incredible feeling. Despite my belly is growing day by day, man, and when I feel my daughter is born, I will be Nancy's father and mother. " The happy event is scheduled for July.
E 'old news, but I wanted to post it because I thought it was too shocking
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